Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Types of training


There are two key methods of training.

1) On the job training – This is where the employees are been trained on a particular job while they are working. In other words they learn while they work. The superiors/ instructors give them the guidance while they are actually experiencing them. This method is more effective as the employee learns to do the things right and he finds easy and better ways to do it right. Eg: Induction Training, Apprenticeship Training, Coaching, Internship etc (Roger C 2003).


‘On the job training technique and delivery style were found to have positive and significant impact on the organizational performance'                                                                                                                                                             Niazi (2011) 


2)  Off-the-Job Training – Is where the employee is trained before they actually start working. They are been taught about the process and theories  and once succeeded the task is been granted. Here the trainee is separated from the job and his attention is focused on the learning, which is related to his future job performance. Eg: Class Room Lectures, Films, Case studies, Vestibule Training, etc., (Roger C 2003).


Apart from the above the employees can be been trained on the following aspects as well.

·       Technical Training – Here the employee is taught how to use a particular technology or machine in order to minimize errors caused.

·       Quality Training – This method is mostly practiced in companies which physically produce a product in-order to help the employees identify faulty products and allow perfect products to leave the factory. But in the modern world Quality training is been practiced at service sectors too as they want to build a good rapport among their customers.

·       Skills Training – Here the main focus is on training the employees to perform their particular jobs perfectly. For e.g. A receptionist would be specifically taught to answer calls and handle the answering machine.

·       Soft Skills – Soft skills training includes personality development, being welcoming and friendly to clients, building rapport, training on sexual harassment etc.

·       Professional Training – Professional Training is done in most industries to make sure their employees are in par with the market and ready to face the challenges evolving from the rapidly changing business world.

·       Team Training – This teaches the employee to work as a team. It also helps to establish a level of trust and synchronicity between team members resulting in increased efficiency (Gephart, M A 1995).







References :

Armstrong, M. (2014). Armstrongs handbook of human resource management practice

Gephart, M A (1995) The road to high performance: steps to create a high performance workplace, Training and Development, June, p 29

GeeksforGeeks. (2022). Difference between On-the-Job Training Methods and Off-the-Job Training Methods.

Harrison, R (2009) Learning and Development, 5th edn, London, CIPD

Niazi, A. S. (2011). Training and Development Strategy and Its Role in Organizational Performance. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 1, 42-56.

Roger Cartwright (2003) Training and Development Express, Capstone Publishing, 2003

Rothwell, W.J. and Kazanas, H.C. (2004). Improving On-the-Job Training: How to Establish and Operate a Comprehensive OJT Program.



  1. Good content. Apart from these methods there are other core training methods which can be adopted from the organisations and to get the maximum benefit they should select the most suitable methods. Those methods are internship, role modeling, role play, stimulus-based training and job shadowing are a few examples (Martin, et al., 2013).

    1. Thanks for your input Sarasi. Yes i agree with what you have mentioned. Lalande, 2010 says, “ You can eliminate anything you want from the agenda but for learning to produce improvement the participants have to know how to use it. If you remove that, you might as well cancel the program.”

  2. Good post. Further, A term closely akin to training method is a training aid. Training aids are specific tools used to assist in the delivery of the training content. Define training aids “as objects or apparatuses that facilitate the learning objectives of training” and offer some of the following examples: flashcards, films, and videos demonstrating various tasks printed materials, whiteboards, and flip charts. (Bink, Wampler, Dlubac, and Cage - 2011)

    1. Thanks for your input Manomi. I agree with the fact that training aids are needed to assist the training methods. A consideration of the means by which training is to be implemented needs to form part of the strategy. The strategy should explain not only what is needed in the form of training and development, but also how it is to be provided and the rationale behind the choices, Richard D. Lewis.

  3. Well defined Zameera. A study of Beardwell and Holden (2001) defined the employee training as “a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge, skill or behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. Its purpose, in the work situation, is to develop the abilities of the individuals and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organization”.

    1. Thanks for the Input Manodya. Further, Effective training uses the systematic approach defined with an emphasis on skills analysis. The purpose of the training should be clearly defined in terms of the Skills required as a result of training. The focus of the training should be to develop transferable skills. The training should be evaluated on the basis of the extent to which it has achieved its purpose. (Michael Armstrong and Stephen Taylor, 2014)


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