Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Uses of training and development


Training and development has been widely used by organizations which focuses on the high-performance aspect, as they always develop bundles of procedures that help with employee engagement, motivation and skill development examples of high performing work practices can be extensive and pertinent training, management development initiatives, incentive pay programs and performance management processes etc (Baron 2002).

Figure 1.2 shows why high performance work places focus on training and development, as seen in the below chart there is an interconnection between Efficiency and effectiveness. A person who is trained on his job can have a better output and higher level of performance than a new comer who is unaware of his job role Machado, C. (2015).

                                                                                          (Robison, 2008).

Organizations must engage in continuous learning in order to carry out their objectives and fit into the challenging business environment (Rothwell 2004). But there are some organizations which also believe that better performance will in some way improve by following a training and development program or other learning opportunity ( Niazi, A. S. 2011).

In other words, "We are not in the business of giving classes, learning tools, or even learning itself," according to professionals in workplace learning, We work to make it easier for businesses to achieve better results (Harburg, 2004, p. 21).

The degree to which learning initiatives meet management's expectations for increased performance determines how much money the firms are willing to invest in learning and how highly they are regarded (Harburg, 2004).



References :

Armstrong, M. (2014). Armstrongs handbook of human resource management practice

GeeksforGeeks. (2020). Difference between Training and Development. [online] Available at:

Harrison, R (2009) Learning and Development, 5th edn, London, CIPD

Lynton, R.P. and Pareek, U. (2011). Training for Development. [online] Google Books. SAGE Publishing India. Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2022].


Machado, C. (2015). International Human Resources Management: Challenges and Changes. Springer, Retrieved March 23, 2015 from Bekele, A. Z., Shigutu, A. D., & Tensay, A. T. (2014). The Effect of Employees’ Perception of Performance Appraisal on Their Work Outcomes. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2(1), 136-173.

McLagan, Patricia A. "Models for HRD practice." Training & Development Journal, vol. 43, no. 9, Sept. 1989, pp. 49+. Gale Academic Accessed 27 Oct. 2022.

Niazi, A. S. (2011). Training and Development Strategy and Its Role in Organisational Performance. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 1, 42-56.

Obeidat, B. Y., Masa’deh, R., & Abdallah, A. B. (2014). The Relationships among Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Commitment, and Knowledge Management Processes: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(3), 9-26.

Robinson, D., & Robinson, J. (2008). Performance consulting: A practical guide for HR and learning professionals . San Francisco: Berrett - Koehler.

Rothwell, W.J. and Kazanas, H.C. (2004). Improving On-the-Job Training: How to Establish and Operate a Comprehensive OJT Program.




  1. Training and development are one of the most significant motivators used to help both individualities and associations in achieving their short- term and long- term pretensions and objects (Rodriguez & Walters, 2017). if you can possibly add some benefits of employee Training and Development to your blog it may give high value to your blog.

    1. Hi Zacky thanks for the input. Yes i will be working on the different aspect of training and how it can benefit the employee and employer in my upcoming blogs..

  2. According to Rodriguez & Walters (2017), Organizations aspire to be successful through differentiated programs, services, capabilities, and products. However, such elements need to be envisioned, developed, implemented and sustained by well-trained individuals. These training and development activities allow organizations to adapt, compete, excel, innovate, produce, be safe, improve service, and reach goals (Salas et al, 2012)

    1. Thanks for your input Sachini. Like you mentioned , the significance of training and development is Training is ‘context sensitive.’ It is a pre planned method of coaching, mentoring and more formal education and development is basically the results of the effective training. (Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes 1984). So in order to get expected results the trainer has to identify his audience and cater them accordingly.

  3. Good content Zameera. Further, According to Branham (2005) any effective company has training in place to make sure employees can perform his or her job. During the recruitment and selection process, the right person should be hired to begin with. But even the right person may need training in how your company does things. Lack of training can result in lost productivity, lost customers, and poor relationships between employees and managers.

    1. Thanks for the input Miyuru. Building on your point it is also necessary that the organization managerial hierarchy supports and takes time on Training and Development. without a concrete management support training and development initiatives will not prosper within the organization.(William J. Rothwell, 2006)

  4. Agreed on the content above. Moreover, a new employee should participate in a variety of training exercises to get ready for their upcoming responsibilities inside the organization. All other personnel should receive regular training at the same time (Bogatova, 2017). As per Williams and Hunter (1991), training in management development can improve the professionalism, self-worth, and job happiness of new employees.

    1. Thanks on the input Nadula. Agreed, when new employees are joined and induction program will be conducted to onboard them. This is the process of welcoming and receiving new employees when they first join the company. this will help them to smooth the preliminary stages, establish a quick favorable attitude towards the organization, obtain favorable output from the new comers, and improve employee retention rate. (Michael A. and Stephen T., 2014)

  5. Agreed Zameera. Some of the organizations failed to achieve the organizational goals due to they haven't understand the value of training and development. Thus organizations need to invest in continuous employee development in order to maintain employees as well as the organization success (Khawaja & Nadeem 2013).

    1. Thanks for the input Visithag. In Complete agreement with your point. It is necessary that the organization managerial hierarchy supports and takes time on Training and Development. without a concrete management support training and development initiatives will not prosper within the organization.(William J. Rothwell, 2006)

  6. Great article Zameera, I agreed the content and to add furthermore, lack of training can result in lost productivity, lost customers, and poor relationships between employees and managers. It can also result in dissatisfaction, which means retention problems and high turnover. All these end up being direct costs to the organization. (Branham,L, 2005). Moreover, training and development are complementary parts of the same process. They are interconnected and interdependent, rather than sequential and hierarchical. Training and development is very crucial to the employees, the organization and their effectiveness (Devi & Shaik, 2012).

    1. Thanks for the Input Sanath. Further, fundamental aim of SHRM is to generate organizational capability by ensuring the organization has the skilled, Engaged, committed and well motivated set of employees to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.(Michael Armstrong and Stephen Taylor, 2014). Alvesson, 2009 states SHRM is about "how employment relationships for all employees can be managed in such a way as to achieve organization goals.

  7. Good read. Researchers have identified multiple factors associated with employee retention, both at the company and employee levels. On the organizational side, rewarding and meaningful work, opportunities for progress, empowerment, and responsibility appear to influence retention (Birt et al.,2004). Besides, Hytter (2007) shows that workplace factors such as compensation, leadership style, career opportunities, training, and skill development directly impact employee retention.

    1. Thanks for your input Tharishma.. According to Armstrongs Handbook, career coaching is a part
      of its overall talent management strategy, thus oganizations want
      to see their employees take greater responsibility for their own
      careers and help with employee retention by engaging employees in
      conversations about their careers before they look elsewhere.


Introduction to Training and development

Human resources are significant in establishing and sustaining competitive advantage for the enhancement of organizational effectiveness sin...